About the Author

Vivianna Thomas is the owner of American Woman Beauty and mother to two amazing kiddos (Nyla & Tarek). Growing up, Vivianna was a big tomboy. She used to pride herself in not combing her hair, taking showers, and steered clear of anything girlie. It was not until she was about 12 that she started to take interest in girlie things (hair, dresses, etc). Fast forward 20 years later, and  she is now the proud owner of a beauty company. How things have changed!

During Vivianna’s free time, she enjoys spending time outdoors and having Harry Potter movie nights with her children. She feels truly blessed to live in the best country in the world. USA!

Tizzy the Tomboy represents any young girl who has ever felt out of place or uncomfortable in her own body. She is a reminder to all of us, that being different is okay and completely normal. Vivianna’s hope is that this series will help inspire, comfort, and help boost the confidence of any young girl who has ever been a Tomboy.